CMU-CS-24-102 Computer Science Department School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
3D Reconstruction with Fast Dipole Sums Hanyu Chen M.S. Thesis April 2024
Reconstructing 3D scenes from multi-view images has always been a challenging problem in computer vision and computer graphics. Traditional methods like structure from motion and multi-view stereo have been widely used for pose estimation and dense point cloud reconstruction. However, these methods have limiteda bility to reconstruct complex scenes with fine details. Recently, since the introduction of neural radiance fields (NeRF), volumetric neural rendering has shown great promise in reconstructing complex scenes with high fidelity. To accurately reconstruct scene geometry, other works have also proposed ways to directly model the signed-distance function or occupancy of a scene. However, these methods are often slow to train and cannot effectively leverage known scene information. In this thesis, we propose a novel point-based representation that combines the efficiency of point clouds with the expressiveness of neural rendering. Point clouds are particularly appealing as a scene representation for rendering tasks, as they are the natural output of many 3D sensing modalities, including structure from motion, multi-view stereo, and lidar. They also come with a rich library of geometric queries. In our work, we utilize point clouds to efficiently reconstruct 3D scenes by using the generalized winding number as a proxy for the scene occupancy and by interpolating per-point neural features with appropriate kernels. We leverage the Barnes-Hut approximation and fast dipole sums to perform fast winding number queries and feature interpolation, as well as logarithmic complexity backpropagation for efficient differentiable rendering. We empirically show that our method consistently outperforms existing methods in both reconstruction quality and efficiency on a wide range of real-world scenes. 42 pages
Thesis Committee:
Srinivasan Seshan, Head, Computer Science Department
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