Computer Science Department
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University


The Impact of Mobile Multimedia Applications
in Data Center Consolidation

Kiryong Ha, Padmanabhan Pillai*, Grace Lewis**,
Soumya Simanta**, Sarah Clinch***, Nigel Davies***, Mahadev Satyanarayanan

October 2012


Keywords: Mobile computing, cloud computing, cyber foraging, smartphones, virtual machines, system architecture, cloudlets, disconnected operation, energy efficiency, battery life, face recognition, speech recognition, object recognition, augmented reality, simulation-based graphics

The convergence of mobile computing and cloud computing enables new multimedia applications that are both resourceintensive and interaction-intensive. For these applications, end-to-end network bandwidth and latency matter greatly when cloud resources are used to augment the computational power and battery life of a mobile device. We first present quantitative evidence that this crucial design consideration to meet interactive performance criteria limits data center consolidation. We then describe an architectural solution that is a seamless extension of today's cloud computing infrastructure.

17 pages

*Intel Labs
**Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
***Lancaster University

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