Theses by Author
Lane Center for Computational Biology
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Please see abstracts for all citations/formats related to each thesis.

BUCK, Taráz E. CMU-CB-13-105

COELHO, Luis Pedro CMU-CB-11-104

CURTIS, Ross Eugene CMU-CB-11-103

JOSEPH, Jacob M. CMU-CB-12-103

KADRI, Sabah CMU-CB-12-100

KANG, John CMU-CB-13-103

KANGAS, Joshua CMU-CB-13-100

LEE, Byoungkoo CMU-CB-10-100

MA, Jun CMU-CB-14-100

MAJI, Suvrajit CMU-CB-12-104

QUINN, Shannon CMU-CB-10-101 (MS)

RAMANATHAN, Arvind CMU-CB-10-102

SHARIFF, Aabid CMU-CB-12-101

TSAI, Ming-Chi CMU-CB-13-102

WU, Chuang CMU-CB-14-101

ZHONG, Shan CMU-CB-13-101

ZINMAN, Guy E. CMU-CB-12-102

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