Institute for Software Research
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University


Project OMEN: Designing a Training Game to Fight
Misinformation on Social Media

Catherine King, Christine Sowa Lepird, Kathleen M. Carley

August 30, 2021

Center for the Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems
CASOS Technical Report


Keywords: Network Science, Social Media Analytics, Twitter, Training Game, BEND Maneuvers, OMEN

OMEN is a training game developed to educate players in social media analytics. This serious and scalable game uses a train-as-you-fight framework where players face a realistic scenario based on real events. The data, while "semi-synthetic", has a volume and speed that matches the real world, giving players the opportunity to use tools and workflows that they would use if they were on the job. The players progress through several gaming levels, first learning the basics and eventually building up to more complicated concepts and skills such as distinguishing various types of information maneuvers and developing strategies to minimize hostile information attacks.

61 pages

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