Institute for Software Research
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University


A Field Study in Static Extraction of Runtime Architectures

Marwan Abi-Antoun, Jonathan Aldrich

June 2008

A shorter version of this document will appear as:
A Field Study in Static Extraction of Runtime Architectures
Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering (PASTE), 2008.

Keywords: Runtime architecture, architecture recovery, ownership types, field study

We recently developed a static analysis to extract runtime architectures from object-oriented programs written in existing languages. The approach relies on adding ownership domain annotations to the code, and statically extracts a hierarchical runtime architecture from an annotated program.

We present promising results from a week-long on-site field study to evaluate the method and the tools on a 30-KLOC module of a 250-KLOC commercial system. In a few days, we were able to add the annotations to the module and extract a top-level architecture for review by a developer.

20 pages

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