CMU-ISR-08-128 Institute for Software Research School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Collaboration in an Academic Setting: Victoria A. Hill July 2008
Center for the Computational Analysis of
The dataset used in this study contains publication and collaboration data from 1995 to 2006 for each of 61 tenure or research track faculty members in the computer science department of a major U.S. university. Publication data was used as a proxy for knowledge creation. Co-authorship of publications and inter-departmental collaborations on projects, grants and students were used in calculating several network metrics including the E-I Index. These metrics along with relevant control variables are subsequently used in a multivariate regression model to estimate their significance on total publication rates of faculty members. Results indicate that innovation and new knowledge creation are facilitated by new inter-departmental partnerships for a specific cohort of faculty members. 19 pages
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