Institute for Software Research
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University


The Impact of Educational Interventions
by Socio-Demographic Attribute

Brian R. Kirshman, Michael Martin,
Michael W. Bigrigg, Kathleen M. Carley

July 2008

Center for the Computational Analysis of
Social and Organizational Systems (CASOS) Technical Report


Keywords: Construct multi-agent, simulation, dynamic network analysis, social network analysis, agents, agent modeling, literacy, information access

Past work with the Construct simulation tool has asked questions at the population level: what percentage of the total population knew a fact, held a belief, or performed an action. Since several cognitive and access mechanisms have been added to Construct, and these attributes have been tied to socio-demographic sub-populations, it is now possible to examine the effects of educational interventions on sub-populations. This technical report presents a virtual experiment which analyzes a simulated population by various socio-demographic attributes. It specifies the experimental design, describes parameters used, presents a series of results which explore the effect of literacy and information access on societal sub-populations, and identifies educational interventions which may and may not be effective.

51 pages

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