2013 Theses by Author
Computer Science Department
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Please see abstracts for all citations/formats related to each thesis.

EL-ARINI, Khalid CMU-CS-13-102

FAN, Bin CMU-CS-13-126

FU, Bin CMU-CS-13-122

GANDHI, Anshul CMU-CS-13-110

HONG, Sue Ann CMU-CS-13-103

HU, Ning CMU-CS-13-115

KIM, Gunhee CMU-CS-13-125

LI, Nan CMU-CS-13-117

LIN, Jialiu CMU-CS-13-127

PATIL, Swapnil CMU-CS-13-113

PENG, Richard CMU-CS-13-121

POOSANKAM, Pongsin CMU-CS-13-112

RUWASE, Olatunji O. CMU-CS-13-114


SIMHADRI, Harsha Vardhan CMU-CS-13-124

ŠIMŠA, Jiří CMU-CS-13-133

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