Computer Science Department
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
From Physical Modeling to Scientific Understanding
- An End-to-End Approach to Parallel Supercomputing
Tiankai Tu, Hongfeng Yu, Leonardo Ramirez-Guzman
Jacobo Bielak, Omar Ghattas, Kwan-Liu Ma, David R. O'Hallaron
January 2006
Keywords: Physical simulations, end-to-end approach, parallel
computing, finite element method, octrees, mesh generation,
Conventional parallel scientific computing uses files as interface
between simulation components such as meshing, partitioning, solving
and visualizing. This approach results in time-consuming file transfers,
disk I/O and data format conversions that consume large amounts of
network, storage, and computing resources while contributing nothing
to applications. We propose an end-to-end approach to parallel
supercomputing. The key idea is to replace the cumbersome file
interface with a scalable, parallel, runtime data structure, on top
of which all simulation components are constructed in a tightly coupled
way. We have implemented this new methodology within an octree-based
finite element simulation system named Hercules. The only input to
Hercules is material property descriptions of a problem domain;
the only outputs are lightweight jpegformated images generated as
they are simulated at every visualization time step. There is
absolutely no other intermediary file I/O. Performance evaluation
of Hercules on up to 2048 processors on the AlphaServer system at
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center has shown good isogranular
scalability and fixed-size scalability.
27 pages