Computer Science Department
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
A Counterexample Guided Abstraction
Refinement Framework for Verifying Concurrent C Programs
Sagar J. Chaki
May 2005
Ph.D. Thesis
Keywords: Software verification, concurrency, compositionality,
C programs, process algebra, simulation, state/event formalism,
deadlock, temporal logic, model checking, predicate abstraction,
abstraction refinement, computers, science
This dissertation presents a framework for verifying concurrent
message-passing C programs in an automated manner. The methodology
relies on several key ideas. First, programs are modeled as finite
state machines whose states are labeled with data and whose
transitions are labeled with events. We refer to such state machines
as labeled Kripke structures (LKSs). Our state/event-based approach
enables us to succinctly express and efficiently verify
which involve simultaneously both the static (data-based) and the
dynamic (reactive or event-based) aspects of any software system.
Second, the framework supports a wide range of specification mechanisms
and notions of conformance. For instance, complete system
can be expressed as LKSs and simulation conformance verified between
such specifications and any C implementation. For partial
the framework supports (in addition to LKSs) a state/event-based
linear temporal logic capable of expressing complex safety as well
as liveness properties. Finally, the framework enables us to check
for deadlocks in concurrent message-passing programs. Third, for
each notion of conformance, we present a completely automated and
compositional verification procedure based on the counterexample
guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) paradigm. Like other CEGAR-based
approaches, these verification procedures consist of an iterative
application of model construction, model checking, counterexample
validation and model refinement steps. However, they are uniquely
distinguished by their compositionality. More precisely, in each of
our conformance checking procedures, the algorithms for model
construction, counterexample validation and model re nement are
applied component-wise. The statespace size of the models are
controlled via a two-pronged strategy: (i) using two complementary
abstraction techniques based on the static (predicate abstraction)
and dynamic (action-guided abstraction) aspects of the program, and
(ii) minimizing the number of predicates required for predicate
abstraction. The proposed framework has been implemented in the magic
tool. We present experimental evaluation in support of the effectiveness
of our framework in verifying non-trivial concurrent C programs against
a rich class of specifications in an automated manner.
273 pages