Computer Science Department
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University


Simultaneous Source Location

Konstantin Andreev*, Charles Garrod,
Bruce Maggs, Adam Meyerson

July 2003

Keywords: Approximation algorithms, NP-Hardness, undirected capacitated flow graph, treewidth, source location, facility location

We consider the problem of Simultaneous Source Location -- selecting locations for sources in a
capacitated graph such that a given set of demands can be satisfied. We give an exact algorithm for trees and show how this can be combined with a result of Räcke to give a solution that exceeds edge capacities by at most O(log n log log n), where n is the number of nodes. On graphs of bounded treewidth, we show the problem is still NP-Hard, but we are able to give a PTAS with at most O(1+ε) violation of the capacities, or a (k+1)-approximation with exact capacities, where k is the treewidth and ε can be made arbitrarily small.

13 pages

*Mathematics Department, Carnegie Mellon University

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