Computer Science Department
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Formal Modeling of the Enterprise JavaBeans Component Integration Framework
Joao Pedro Sousa, David Garlan
September 2000
To appear in the special issue on Component-Based Development of the
Information and Software Technology Journal, Elsevier Print, UK.
This report is an extended version of the paper "Formal Modeling of the Enterprise JavaBeans Component Integration Framework," which appears in the
Proceedings of FM'99, World Congress on Formal Methods in the Development of Software Systems, Springer Verlag, LLNCS,
vol. 1709, pp 1281-1300. Wing, Woodcock and Davies, Editors.
Keywords: Software architecture, software frameworks, component
integration standards, component-based software, Enterprise JavaBeans
An emerging trend in the engineering of complex systems is the use of
component integration frameworks. Such a framework prescribes an
architectural design that permits flexible composition of third-party
components into applications. A good example is Sun Microsystems'
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) framework, which supports object-oriented,
distributed, enterprise-level applications, such as account management
systems. One problem with frameworks like EJB is that they are
documented informally, making it difficult to understand precisely what
is provided by the framework, and what is required to use it. We
believe formal specification can help, and in this paper show how a
formal architectural description language can be used to describe and
provide insight into such frameworks.
35 pages