Computer Science Department
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Fast and Flexible Application-level Networking on Exokernel Systems
Gregory R. Ganger, Dawson R. Engler*, M. Frans Kaashoek**,
Hector M. Briceno**, Russell Hunt***, Thomas Pinckney***
March 2000
Application-level networking is a promising software organization
for improving performance and functionality for important network
services. The xok/ExOS exokernel system includes application-level
support for standard network services, while at the same time
allowing application writers to specialize networking services.
This paper describes how xok/ExOS's kernel mechanisms and library
operating system organization achieves this flexibility, and
shares our experiences and lessons learned (both positive and
negative). It also describes how we have used this flexibility
to build and specialize three network data services: the Cheetah
HTTP server, the webswamp web benchmarking tool, and an application-
level TCP forwarder. Overall measurements show large performance
improvements relative to similar services built on conventional
interfaces, in each case reaching the maximum possible end-to-end
performance for the experimental platform. For example, Cheetah
provides factor of 2-4 increases in throughput compared to
highly-tuned socket-based implementations and 3-8 compared to
conventional systems. Webswamp can offer loads that are 2-8
times heavier. The TCP forwarder provides 50-300% higher
throughput while also providing end-to-end TCP semantics that
cannot be achieved with POSIX sockets. With more detailed
measurements and profiling, these overall performance improvements
are also broken down and attributed to the specific specializations
described, providing server writers with insights into where to
focus their optimization efforts.
31 pages
*Stanford University
**Massachusetts Institute of Technology
***ExoTec, Inc.